How the scenario could unfold
In this scenario, we can speculate about the converging of multiple trends around remote working, adapting skills set and a new focus on wellbeing.
The rapid and constant flux in the world means that workforces need to adapt and evolve rapidly, putting an increased focus on people’s skills rather than their knowledge and potentially lead to the escalation of skills training within the workplace. Work could easily become intertwined with education making it a lifelong process of development and reinvention rather than a specific period in our lives. To facilitate this change, more inclusive, skills-based, education platforms like Udemy, Lynda, SkillShare and hundreds more may expand to challenge expensive, formal education systems.
At the same time, technology is also changing the workspace landscape l, by allowing out-of-office communication and remote working. The number of employees working flexibly in their own time and space may continue to increase because it is often seen as healthier, more inclusive and more productive.
In this scenario, work shifts from a career with a singularly defined role and a part of your identity, to an activity that your evolving skills set and attributes make you good at. It may realign wellbeing alongside work and make professions available to anyone in the world with an internet connection.
We consider the significance of this context from the perspective of a future character we created based on our research with real people.